Small-batch homemade red current jelly

Update – 2023

Harvesting currents

To avoid all the hassle outlined below that I encountered trying to make jelly using the traditional sugar-activated pectins like Certo, this year I picked up something entirely different from a health food store. It’s called Pomona’s Universal Pectin, and it’s a dream to use.

It does not require sugar to set, so you can go ahead and make a low-sugar, or even a no-sugar jam or jelly with no problem. This citric-based pectin sets by interacting with calcium, which comes in a separate packet with the pectin and a wealth of instructions and helpful tips.

My red current jelly this year set with a minimum of fuss and with just a little sugar, supplemented by my home-made liquid stevia to taste. This product is highly recommended!

Boiling the berries
Straining the berry juice from the pulp through cheesecloth

Why using Certo or other sugar-activated pectins is more trouble than it’s worth

For several years now, ever since I discovered that the mystery shrub on my property at the end of our hedge was a red current bush, I’ve been trying to make jelly from the berries. And every year I’ve ended up with a lovely syrup, instead.

In 2020, I finally succeeded in making three small jars of ruby red, sweetly tart jelly. But the following year, I failed once again.
